Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Law 8th Edition, Morris PDF and Download

Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Law 8th Edition: A Preventative Approach, pdf, ebook and download  by Karen Morris, addresses legal problems confronted by managers within hotel, restaurant, travel and casino industries. The emphasis is on prevention of legal violations.


By studying the Hotel, the 8th Edition book, managers can enjoy and determine what steps and precautions are essential to stay clear of, or a minimum of reduce, the amount of lawsuits. The book utilizes the situation strategy, lengthy acknowledged as being a beneficial approach to studying the often-complicated self-discipline of law. Visitors will review choices from real instances through which hospitality establishments had been sued, also as what legal precedents had been cited.

Image of Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Law 8th Edition: A Preventative Approach, pdf, ebook and download  by Karen Morris

For experts within the Travel and Hospitality business too as Legal experts who focus on this location, this book addresses legal problems confronted by managers inside the hotel, restaurant, travel and casino industries. The emphasis is on prevention of legal violations.

By studying the Hotel, this book, managers can enjoy and determine what steps and precautions are required to prevent, or a minimum of reduce the amount of lawsuits. The book utilizes the situation technique, lengthy acknowledged being a useful approach to studying and debunking the often-complicated self-discipline of law.

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The Eighth edition continues to be entirely up-to-date using the most recent choices too as traditional circumstances that stay persuasive currently. This book was not just helpful but effortless to comprehend. Ideas are uncomplicated to understand and grasp using this type of book.

With the emphasis on prevention, this textbook consists of protection of standard legal problems which include negligence, sexual harassment and trademark infringement. Furthermore, it includes a brand new chapter around the creating location of casino law, along with the legal problems exclusive towards the casino business including Indian tribal law and maritime law.

The book provides new coverage on employing an lawyer gives invaluable and sensible guidance -updated and hypothetical examples illustrate sensible programs -more protection from the US residents with Disabilities Act assists long term managers maintain in compliance with all the law and prevent law suits.

Table of Contents

Not Available

Now in a NEW 8th edition

engages the reader with relevant case studies. Many examples include case questions to further assist student comprehension.

provides a concentrated summary of issues addressed in each chapter through sections titled “Preventive Law Tips for Managers”.

includes updated references to new laws, new cases, technological changes and advancements, and new factual circumstances in the hospitality industry.

features new web site references which offer students expanded exposure to chapter topics.

develops critical thinking skills in managers.

enhances student ability to read and comprehend the material with plain-English explanations and many subtopics.

challenges students with end-of-chapter questions.

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Product Details

Full Title: Hotel Restaurant and Travel Law: A Preventive Approach

Edition: 8th edition

ISBN-13: 978-1524907914

Format: Hardback

Publisher: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company (6/14/2017)

Copyright: 2017

Dimensions: 0 x 0 x 0 inches

Weight: 10.36lbs

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